In iTunes
Made for myself!

MultiPlyer Pro Application

Main MultiPlyer Asty Risk Eyes&Fingers

About MultiPlyer Pro

Masters Window
Main Window

The application is created for the analysis of the knowledge and use of competition when training.

The applications interface for iPad and iPhone are different therefore at first the version for iPhone is described, and then features of iPad version are described.

Main Window to similarly only window of the free application. Difference consists that where the free application has an advertizing, in the professional version there is a strip of navigation and personification of a window. The application is opened by the Masters Window. By default there is one eleven-year-old pupil . You can directly, having selected it, to start check of the knowledge. But I recommend in the beginning myself to personify: if to click the character of the office button , the Results Window of this pupil will open.

Results Window
Edit Window
You will need to pass further – to press in the lower right corner the Edit button. In new Edit Window now replace the "Pupil" with the your own name, set the your birthday and insert the own photo. Besides, here it is possible even to create the password for the profile. Press the Save button, and then on the <Masters button to transfer to the list of participants. That you will see, shall be pleasant to you more!

Now you can select the profile and transfer to the Main Window in which you will score the points.

Main Window

Differences of the Main Window of the Pro version from the free version:

Masters Window

This standard table of iOS. Each cell displays the pupil's profile. At a cell there is a graphics image of the pupil, a name, age and quantity of the scored points.

Note! Rules of addition of points following: Thus, for the correct answer on an example 12 x 8 = (96) if you answered to it in 1,8 seconds and at you on iPhone the switch Divide was switched on , you receive 4 points! For any wrong response from you 10 points are removed! The negative points aren't added to earned earlier. I.e. if you in a profile had 20 points, and you now received-30, with you will remain honestly earned 20.

Clicking a cell of a profile leads to transition to a primary window of application. Clicking the office button leads to transition to the Results Window. Besides, there are standard actions for the table iOS:

Results Window

At the upper part of a window there is your image and your results:

Further – the most important: Table of mistakes. At first mistakes on multiplication, then – on division. Are present at each line of the table:

The number of corrections belongs to a correction of mistakes and requires more detailed explanation.

Work on Mistakes

The correction of mistakes is an important element of mastering of the multiplication table. In a basis correction of mistakes is supposed that fact that examples in which the user become errors, shall appear more often for the best storage of the correct answer.

Each case of the wrong response is remembered by the application. You can always examine all cases of the wrong responses. In case of the switched on switch of a correction of mistakes, with probability 1:6 incorrectly responded examples appear again. Examples are followed from the list incorrectly responded randomly, but taking into account switches Multiplication / Divide.

The algorithm of a correction of mistakes allows to delete the wrong examples from the list of errors. If you correctly answer to an example of 10 times, it will be removed from the list of errors. In the table of errors there can be some identical examples with identical wrong responses.

In the lower part of the Results Window the table of Time of reflections settles down. In it the following information is output:

Over time at you the present multiplication table will turn out here. But for this purpose it will need to be learned… This table can be sorted! In the lower band of control there is a button which by default is called to Sort By Time; if to click it, the table will be sorted by time, and you will be able to be convinced that 2 x 2 = 4 you know most quicker! After clicking of this button its name will change on to Sort By Num, and having again clicked it you will be able to return to an original status. Also below in a band of control there are two more buttons:

Settings Window

The settings window also represents the table of settings, standard for iOS, with controls:

Switches Multiplication and Division are interconnected. It is impossible to disconnect them at the same time. Therefore, three combinations are possible:

These two switches are connected also to the Divide switch on the Main Window. Its switching on leads to simultaneous switching on of these of two.

Setup of deceleration is necessary for comfortable operation in the Auto mode. The Auto mode is arranged so that the correct answer didn't disappear directly, and you could see the entered response. Here also time which you will be able to watch the correct answer before it disappears is regulated and there will be a new example. Possible values – from 0,0 to 2,0 seconds with a step of 0,1 seconds. This time won't be added to time of your thoughts.

Edit Window

This window appears also when adding the new user from the Masters Window. At the left above there is a graphic display of the user. For change of this image click according to the picture then the standard window of an insertion of the image iOS will open.

Here you can appropriate a suitable nickname and the password.

Attention! The password won't be able to protect from deleting you profile from the list of Masters. It is made in order that if you forgot the password, there was an opportunity to clear the Masters list.
Note! To delete the password, it needs to be deleted from a data entry field simply. Don't forget to tap on Save!

Difference of iPad version from the iPhone version

iPad Results Window
iPad Main Window

As iPad represents much more place on the screen, than iPhone, I managed to place the version Pro for iPad on only two screens. The first screen includes the list of pupils, the table of results and the mechanism of adding of the new pupil.

The list of pupils opens in the same window when clicking the button Masters.

Second window to identically primary window of the free program for iPad. Differs in existence of a band of navigation, the switch of the Mistake and the mechanism of setup of Delay in a Auto the mode.

Also at a line of results in iPad of the version there are two additional values:

To edit a user profile press below the Edit Profile button. In case of its clicking under the graphics image of the pupil there are two data entry fields of a name and the password. Also there is possible a clicking the graphics image for its change. Don't forget to press then the Save button also at the left below.

© Copyright Andrey Levchik 2015